Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Before FanFiction There Was...

We all know how obsessed I am with fanfiction. It is the stuff that keeps me going day after day (along with dramas and music, of course) because I am motivated to finish it all, even though it technically doesn't matter if I finish reading/watching it in a day or a decade. It just has this power over you!

Anyway, I have a Borders Rewards Card, because before FanFiction, I was a bookworm (I would have gotten an Barnes and Noble card as well, but you have to pay). I was one of those people who would go to the mall and head straight to that bookstore and contentedly sit there until I finish that book. I'm that person who would walk from class-to-class, her head buried in her book while skillfully threading between other schoolmates (don't laugh at my choice of words!). I'm that person whose favorite place to go to was the library and I would end up lugging back around 15+ books and have them done within a week, only to go back and get more. In fact, I loved reading so much that my mom hated taking me to the bookstore or library. :)

One of my more recent goals consists of collecting a full series of books. I have a number of favorites: Cirque du Freak, Twilight, Inheritance Cycle, Alex Rider, Animorphs (the series that started my love for books), and, of course, Harry Potter. So far, I own random books - but the only series that I have collected in full is Harry Potter. I have all seven books, with Books 4 - 7 being hardcover, and another copy of Book 4 in French. (I also have all the Harry Potter movies to date.) Besides that, I have a number of Tamora Pierce's books, but not all of them and only three of the Cirque du Freak series. I feel like elaborating, but you guys get it. Since I love books so much, you would think that I would have a larger collection of books. Well - I have started to do just that! I currently have all Christopher Paolini's books and all of Stephenie Meyer's books to date. And that leads to my very SMALL book wish list.

Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, Book 4 by Stephenie Meyer
Release Date: August 2, 2008
I first read Twilight (Book 1) from the library. I quickly got hooked. (Yes, my liking of this book proves I'm a girl in some aspects.) When I saw the second book (New Moon), I did one of my rare book buying deals. Shortly after I bought it, I got word that Stephenie Meyer herself was going to be in town that night - so I walked the fifteen blocks at 7 pm from my dorm room to the bookstore just to meet her and get it signed. I was VERY excited. After that, I got Twilight, and I ordered Eclipse (Book 3) from Amazon.

This book - if you're one of those that haven't read it - is a story of love between a human and a vampire. Cliché, I know, but it's very good. :) I mean, I even got into Twilight fanfiction! Following this are some pictures...
Stephenie Meyer Signing my Book :)
My Signed Book

Inheritance Cycle, Brisingr, Book 3 by Christopher Paolini
Release Date: September 20, 2008
This also started the same way as Twilight. :) I first encountered Eragon in the library and borrowed it multiple times. When the second book, Eldest, came out, I bought it. And now, the third book: I HAVE TO HAVE IT!!! Unfortunately, when it comes out, I'll be in China, so I'll have to wait. I mean, I could try to get it in China, but it'll most likely be in Chinese and have a later release date. I've only been studying Chinese for two semesters! It's not good enough for a book quite yet. :) I also haven't had the chance to meet Paolini yet, but when I do, I'll be sure to post up the pictures!

His book, on the other hand, is more under the genre of fantasy. It has some Lord of the Rings elements, but it holds its own - and considering the fact that he was only 15 when he wrote it, it's exceptional! I haven't delved into Inheritance Cycle fanfiction quite yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll do so soon. :)
You know what's interesting? I've only met two authors and both of them write Vampire books: Darren Shan and Stephenie Meyer. THEY BOTH ROCK!!!!

My Signed Copy of Book 1

My Signed Copy of Book 2

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