Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Will Liu - Chuan Shi Ji

劉畊宏 - 創世紀
Liu Geng Hong - Chuan Shi Ji
Will Liu - Start of a Century

Bing feng due guo le shi zhi di er ge zhi jie
An icy graze passed by, the forefinger's second knuckle
鑽進我的頸椎 想凍結 我的熱血 

Xuan jin wo de jing zhui xiang dong jie wo de re xie
Bored through my cervical vertebra, freezing my hot blood
Duo luo de kui lei xiang rang wo tong zhe huo hui
An abandoned puppet giving way to an aching regret
對我的意志用 另一種 輕藐臉孔 

Dui wo de yi zhi yong ling yi zhong qing miao lian cong
As for my will's usefulness, another kind of soft despise

Wo yao zhe chen mo bei dui quan bu de shi jie
I'm snapping at a silent back in front of the whole world

Jian jue chao shang fang qi yi qie
At a determined court, surrendering everything

Ni she bu de de wo wu suo wei
The me who was reluctant to give up now doesn't care
Wo ren zhe shang kou mian dui zheng ge de shan yu
I am enduring wounds to confront the towering prison in all its entirety
Bei wei de xiang yao liao jie yun feng de gan jue
Simply wanting to understand the feeling of being high in the clouds

風掠過 雪在崩落 衝向我 
Feng due guo xue zai beng luo chong xiang wo
The wind brushed past, the snow's in an avalanche rushing towards me
想知道 我的覺悟 夠不夠 
Xiang zhi dao wo de jue wu gou bu gou
Wanting to know if my conscience is enough
雲峰上 浩瀚宇宙在等候 
Yun feng shang hao han yu zhou zai deng hou
Up in the clouds, the vast universe is expecting
還要走 這還不到盡頭
Hai yao zou zhe hai bu dao jin tou
Still wanting to keep on going, this is the not the end yet

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