Koishite Akuma (恋して悪魔), otherwise known as The Loving Demon, is a 2009 supernatural romance Japanese drama. It stars Nakayama Yuma, Kondo Masahiko, Kato Rosa, Kyo Nobuo, Sakuraba Nanami, Nakajima Kento, and Irie Jingi. The summary is as follows:
Ruka has yet to mature into a full-fledged vampire. His canines have yet to fully develop, which means he still hasn't tasted human blood — or, at least, human blood that he's drawn himself. In order to get him prepared, he is cast down into the world of humans, where he boards with Jiro, the owner of a Chinese restaurant, and enrolls in high school. His homeroom teacher is a cheerful, though meddlesome, young woman who catches the fledgling bloodsucker off-guard. Is he actually falling in love with a mortal?I'm a sucker for vampires. No, I'm not one of those people who, if perchance, may find a vampire and throws herself onto him. O_o Rather disturbing, really. Anyway, it's sort of like an interest (like how my roommate likes zombies and I like vampires and werewolves) and so, I had to try it out. I did skim around the Internet before I started to make sure I wasn't making a mistake and some people had noted it as a sort of 'Twilight' theme - forbidden and unlikely romance between a vampire and a human. The unlikely romance part isn't unusual at all in the world of Asian Dramas... but yeah. I watched it while going "I can't believe I'm watching this but I can't stop." Not to say it's bad - the plot is something that's entertaining for me - but some of the acting's a bit melodramatic. And I swear there was a bit of pedophilia in it (I mean, it's a teacher and a student - 11 years apart); not to mention I felt it slightly wrong that he's 6 years younger than me.
Anyway, the acting's not half bad and Nakayama has a great bad boy image and I really want a pair of those fake fangs they wore. Of course, like every other Japanese drama, it ended with a moral-filled and inspiring message. Not that I mind... but they could just let up on it a bit. Even though it's a vampire drama, it's pretty light hearted and the ending was a bit realistic so I'll forgive the writers. :) What I liked best was this drama had only 10 episodes so I could have a nice drama break without using too much homework/study time. Like I am now.
You can watch it at both MySoju and DramaCrazy (I find that Drama Crazy has pretty high quality videos and subtitles for the most part so I switch back and forth).
Picture taken from here.
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