The story revolved around a 23-year-old man named, Kazama Masamune. During high school, he had a girlfriend four years older than him, but she suddenly leaves to go abroad. Six years later, he receives news that she has passed away. In addition, she secretly gave birth to Masamune's daughter. Now the five-year-old daughter, Koharu, is returning home to Japan, and Masamune must raise her.
I had actually started this drama two months or so ago, but then I got distracted and school got into the way. Now that school has ended and I have several days' break before finals, I watched the two last episodes and completed it. ^^ Anyway, like the synopsis says, it's about a young guy who suddenly realises that he has a daughter. It suggests that a lot of hilarity may ensue - but not really, though I'm not trying to say that there weren't any. It's more of a drama with a lot of cute and sweet moments, focusing on the trials and tribulations of being a young and single father suffering from the sudden loss of his one love and pursuing his dream as a photographer as well as the cute antics and dynamics of having a new family. The topic of sacrifices for someone you love is also a major theme towards the end.
First off, the girl is absolutely adorable. I like kids from afar, but they tend to grate on my nerves if they're in my presence for too long. lol... however, the girl is just cute! And it makes sense that she won an award for her role in this drama. :) Secondly, although I didn't speed through the entire drama (I attribute that to the fact that I've been in the mood for more fast-paced, action-filled material), I did enjoy it. I liked seeing their relationship progress from "OMG, I have no clue what to do" to "I love you and I want you to be happy."
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