Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fish Leong - Mei Tian Di Yi Jian Shi

梁靜茹 - 每天第一件事
Liang Jing Ru - Mei Tian Di Yi Jian Shi
Fish Leong - The First Thing Every Day

你送的燈 像在床頭放了星星
Ni song de deng xiang zai chuang tou fang le xing xing

The light you gave me is like stars placed at the head of my bed
讓我每一個夢 都閃耀著暖意
Rang wo mei yi ge meng dou shan yao zhe nuan yi

Letting my every dream radiate with warmth
在捷運裏 一通貼心的簡訊
Zai jie yun li yi tong tie xin de jian xun

An intimate newsflash in fate
趕走了 我的黑色星期一
Gan zou le wo de hei se de xing qi yi

It left, my black Monday

你翻雜志 費心挑選的餐廳
Ni fan za zhi fei xin tiao xuan de can ting
Going over mixed aspirations, a needy and choosy canteen
不管它好不好吃 我都笑得滿意
Bu guan ta hao bu hao chi wo dou xiao de man yi

Not caring if it tastes good or not, I just smile contentedly
我打了一年 還沒送你的毛衣
Wo da le yi nian hai mei song ni de mao yi

A year has passed and I still haven't given you your sweater yet
你介不介意 我改打圍巾
Ni jie bu jie yi wo gai da wei jin

Would you mind if I sent you a scarf instead

Mei tian zhang kai yan jing di yi jian shi jiu shi xiang ni

The first thing I do every day when I open my eyes is to think of you
Kong qi you cao mei de xiang qi

The air has the sweet fragrance of strawberries
Mei tian huan xiang liu cheng se de wei lia gai zai cao di

Every day, fantasizing about an orange color covering the meadow
Rang wo men fa ming zui mei de yue ding

Letting us invent the most perfect promise

你的周圍 大多事要你煩心
Ni de zhou wei da duo shi yao ni fan xin

In your surroundings, most of it makes you vexed
就算我幫不了忙 至少讓你放心
Jiu suan wo bang bu liao mang zhi shao rang ni fang xin
Even though I can't really help, at least I can relieve you of your worries
我努力克服 容易害羞的毛病

Wo nu li ke fu rong yi hai xiu de mao bing
I work hard to overcome my shortcoming of easily becoming shy
敢和你 搶著先說我愛你

Gan he ni qiang zhe xian shuo wo ai ni
Daring to be the first to say "I love you" to you

Mei tian fen zhou hui jia di yi jian shi jiu shi fu x

Every time we separate and head home, the first thing I do is practice
Kuai le he gan dong ji bi ji

Being happy and moved

Mei tian dou shi yin wei ni er kan jian feng he ri li
Every day that comes is because you see the beautiful wind and day

Ni wei wo fa ming zui mei de tian qi
You invent the most beautiful weather for me

好像新鮮果汁 純粹的透明

Hao xiang xin xian guo zhi chun cui de tou ming
Like fresh fruit juice, pure and transparent
你在我瑪克朵上 畫上了一顆心
Ni zai wo ma ke duo shang hua shang le yi ke xin

I'm on my flower (?), drawing a heart
你是我今天 醒來第一個原因

Ni shi wo jin tian xing lai di yi ge yuan yin
You are my first reason for waking up today
這一次 先聽我說我愛你

Zhe yi ci xian ting wo shuo wo ai ni
This time, first listen to me say "I love you"

這一次 先聽我說我愛你
Zhe yi ci xian ting wo shuo wo ai ni
This time, first listen to me say "I love you"

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