Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jade Liu - Si Hu Tong

劉力揚 死胡同
Liu Li Yang – Si Hu Tong
Jade Liu – Blind Alley

北京的深秋 冷冰冰的雙手
Bei jing de shen qiu leng bing bing de shuang shou
In Beijing’s deep autumn, a pair of freezing hands

去年的 這時候 是你溫暖我
Qu nian de zhe shi hou shi ni wen nuan wo
It was you who was warming me at this time last year
為什麼騙我 為什麼要懦弱
Wei shen me pian wo wei shen me yao nuo ruo
Why did you cheat me? Why must you be weak?
我愛你 難道不值得放手一搏
Wo ai ni nan dao bu zhi de fang shou yi bo
Is it that loving you makes it unworthy of letting go
朋友們搞笑裝瘋 我擠不出笑容
Peng you men gao xiao zhuang feng wo ji bu chu xiao rong
Friends making fun and faking craziness, but I can’t squeeze out a smile
想起你 我還是哭了
Xiang qi ni wo hai shi ku le
I still cry when thinking of you

死胡同 怎麼走都不通
Si hu tong zen me zou dou bu tong
Blind alley, why is it that I can’t go through
Hui yi bao wei zhe wo
Memories surrounding me
Wo shou kun zai ni tian mi de xiao rong
I’m trapped in your sweet smile
死胡同 走不到你懷中
Si hu tong zou bu dao ni huai zhong
Blind alley, I can’t get to your heart
Wo zai yuan di xin tong
I’m at the original place, heart aching
心痛也沒有用 你不愛我*
Xin tong ye mei you yong ni bu ai wo
But it is of no use, you don’t love me

幸福總和我 完美擦身而過
Xing fu zong he wo wan mei ca shen er guo
With me, happiness is always perfectly erased from my body and passes
有人說 那是我 潛意識犯錯
You ren shuo na shi wo qian yi shi fan cuo
Some people say that is me, unconsciously erring
所以你騙我 所以你要懦弱
Suo yi ni pian wo suo yi ni yao nuo ruo
That’s why you cheated me, that’s why you must be weak
我愛你 也從此不配放手一搏
Wo ai ni ye cong ci bu pei fang shou yi bo
I love you and hence after, it’s unworthy of letting go
朋友們搞笑裝瘋 我擠不出笑容
Peng you men gao xiao zhuang feng wo ji bu chu xiao rong
Friends making fun and faking craziness, but I can’t squeeze out a smile
想起你 我還是哭了
Xiang qi ni wo hai shi ku le
I still cry when thinking of you

** x2


死胡同 – can also mean “blind alley” as well as “dead-end (road)”
– along with “lie,” also means “cheat”; I think both works well with this song but I think “cheat” sounds better

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