Sunday, May 25, 2008


So the funniest thing happened. Well, not funny, but it is. Yesterday, half of my left eye became red - well, pink, more like. It was actually rather vibrant. I didn't really feel any different, though, so I just thought it was some mild irritation that would go away after a night's sleep. Well, I woke up this morning with a bunch of gunk in that eye (I know, attractive, isn't it?) but I still didn't think much. After all, waking up with morning eye crisps isn't very abnormal. Well, until as the day went on, every time I blinked, there was this feeling of something in there scratching it. When I took out my contacts, the feeling persisted, even when I dropped in some Visine, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference. The single THING in there that was so persistent in making my eye feel like a grain of sand was embedded in my eyelid was still present. The oddest thing was that the color is only limited to part of the eye closest to my nose. I still didn't think much of it because I went through this before.

Well, my family just came back from a trip to my grandparents' house and there, the irritation grew ten-fold. At first, it was OK. Then, my left eye started burning and tearing and I ended up just laying down and covering my face with a pillow. I tried to open both of my eyes but it took a good amount of effort. In fact, the experience is rather similar to when you've only had barely two hours of sleep then night before and you decided that it'd be a grand idea to attend class the next day and you TRY to keep your eyes open, but they just end up tearing and closing on their own. It takes a heck of a lot of work to keep them open for only a second, as well. Anyway, it's a lost cause because you end up falling asleep. Okay, back to the main point. I also didn't think much about it because my eyes were already sensitive to light. Once we left, we walked back to our house and my eye felt fine again. Well, it felt slightly irritated/swollen, but better than before. So... I decided to google pinkeye, also known as conjunctivitis (wiki, KidsHealth, emedicine).

Well, I learned the term before in medical class, but I never really thought I would get it. So, I was just researching just for fun and out of curiosity. Here were the symptoms that could occur, though it all depends upon the individual:
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Irritation of the eyes
  • Itchiness of the eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Swelling of the eyelid
  • Discharge from the eye
  • Feeling foreign object(s) in the eye
  • Photophobia
Well, out of those, I experienced six. -_- Swell. Hm, maybe seven, if you really wanted to count "swelling of the eyes" part, but it's not really noticeable. Well, it usually goes away with time, which was probably what happened last time (it only lasted about three days). What really bugs me is how it's the most common eye infection in kids. I'm nineteen. I wish I still was a kid, but I'm not. Anyway, I suppose this still happens to adults, because when I google imaged it, most of the images were of adults. Then again, you need the kid's parents' permission so that may be the reason.

This is still totally wrong though. I'm going to go take a shower and ignore my eye for a bit. I suppose that I might be making it an early night. Stupid insensitive bacterial/viral infection.

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